Bedtime Routines: The Secret to Getting Restless Kids to Sleep

May 5, 2023
By MJ Brioso
6 min read
Bedtime Routines: The Secret to Getting Restless Kids to Sleep

Getting kids to rest their little heads can be challenging, but establishing healthy bedtime routines is key! It will help them relax and unwind each night and lay the foundation for better sleep habits they'll keep as adults.

Fortunately, many calming strategies can help kids relax and make it easier to fall asleep. From positive rituals such as reading stories before bedtime to creating a warm and inviting environment with dimmed lights or a nightlight, calming strategies offer many benefits for children's mental and physical well-being.

Why Sleep Is So Important for Kids' Growth

Kids are growing and developing in more ways than just physically; their minds need some extra TLC, too—especially when it comes to sleep! Dr. Sumit Bhargava of the Stanford Children's Health Sleep Center explains that quality slumber significantly affects hormone regulation, with growth hormones being released most intensely at the onset of deep sleep.

Adequate and peaceful sleep is fundamental to a healthy lifestyle, and for children, it can yield remarkable changes in their well-being. Recent studies highlight that sufficient shut-eye has immense positive effects on attention span, behavior regulation, learning capacity, and memory recall ability—all while making measurable improvements to overall physical and mental well-being.

Optimal Hours of Sleep Your Child Needs Each Night

As children grow, so do their sleep needs. While a one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to work for every kid and situation, this table provides an overall guide of recommended total sleeping hours that should be useful in understanding the changing need from birth into adulthood.

  • Newborns 0-1 year: 16 hours
  • Toddlers 1-2 years: 11 to 14 hours
  • Preschoolers 3-5 years: 10 to 13 hours
  • School-aged 6-13 years: 9 to 11 hours
  • Teenagers 14-17 years: 8 to 10 hours

Each child is unique, which also extends to their need for restful sleep. Suggested amounts of slumber provide a good starting point, but depending on genetics or physiology, some children may require one to two extra hours to make the most of each day!

7 Bedtime Habits That Will Soothe Your Restless Child

As parents, we recognize the significance of cultivating healthy habits and routines for our children. Bedtime routines are particularly beneficial since they aid children in relaxing before bedtime and enable them to obtain the necessary sleep to remain healthy and focused throughout the day.

Implementing these habits can give your child the restful sleep they need and create lasting healthy sleep patterns that will last into adulthood.

1. Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath before bedtime is a great way to help children relax and get ready for sleep. Warm baths can soothe muscle tension, reduce stress levels, and even improve sleeping habits by providing a calming atmosphere.

A warm bath before bed offers much more than physical comfort—it can help promote deeper relaxation and connection. The warmth of the water increases circulation, helping to lull us into a refreshing slumber while creating an intimate moment between parent and child that leaves them feeling secure going into dreamland.

2. Avoid Late Night Feeding

To avoid the dreaded bedtime battle, ensure your child's last meal of the day isn't too close to their nighttime routine. Food can cause an 'energy spike,' providing more energy than desired as you try and wind down for sleep.

Similarly, snacks and juices containing a high sugar level should be avoided—even reducing or eliminating soda consumption 6 hours before going to bed could prove beneficial in ensuring good quality rest!

3. Read Bedtime Stories

Excessive screen time before bed can lead to a restless night for your child. Turn away from tablets and TVs in favor of some good old-fashioned book reading—it's been proven that physical books reduce pre-bed stress more than illuminated screens!

Reading a book to children before bedtime has many benefits. It can help to develop their language and literacy skills, improve their concentration and comprehension, promote bonding between parent and child, stimulate creativity and imagination, reduce stress levels, and encourage healthy sleep cycles.

4. Play Soothing Music

Music can be a powerful assistant in calming children—tapping into its soothing beats, and you may find your child quickly falling fast asleep! North Shore Pediatric Therapy encourages putting the power of music to work for sweet dreams.

It has the potential to reduce stress levels, lift moods and improve mental well-being; meanwhile promoting creative thinking through its rhythmic lullaby-like melodies that relax both body and mind.

5. Give Massages

Bedtime routines provide a chance for parents to create an environment that supports their children's emotional and physical health. Massage has been scientifically proven to have numerous positive effects on kids, such as reducing stress levels and soothing aches or pains associated with growing bodies.

Plus, it is also the perfect way to nurture a connection between parent and child before bedtime! By including massage in your nightly routine, you can enjoy all of these calming benefits while strengthening family bonds at the same time.

6. Dimming the Lights/Nightlights

Establishing a calm and secure atmosphere can promote your child's restful sleep. Dimming the lights before bedtime aids in the natural secretion of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our internal clock and determines when we should sleep or wake.

Furthermore, lowering lighting levels in bedrooms helps protect kids' eyes from straining and alleviates any headaches caused by bright light exposure before bed.

Nightlights can also benefit kids at bedtime by creating a soothing, calming atmosphere that helps them relax and fall asleep more easily. They can also provide comfort and security, helping children feel less anxious in the dark. Nightlights can also help young children keep track of time by providing a visual cue so they know when it's time to go to bed.

7. Stick to Your Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent routine for your child's bedtime warm-up is the perfect way to ensure peaceful nights. While unexpected events may arise that require adjustments, sticking as closely as possible to this schedule can help create an environment of comfort and predictability for them each night.

A nighttime routine is a powerful tool for parents to make bedtime easier and more enjoyable. Consistency with regular timing will also provide structure so everyone knows what comes next!

Build Healthy Sleeping Habits

A good night's sleep and a regular bedtime routine can have numerous benefits for children. Creating a calming atmosphere with dimmed lights or a nightlight, positive rituals like reading a book before bedtime, and staying consistent with routines are all helpful in supporting quality sleep.

With these strategies, kids will get the physical rest they need and improved mental well-being due to feeling more secure, relaxed, and in control. Establishing a bedtime routine for your child may take some time to get used to at first, but it can benefit both of you in the long run.

Your child will get much-needed rest and improved mental well-being, while you, as parents, can enjoy knowing that your child's bedtime needs are being taken care of. It's a win-win!

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