12 Ways to Keep the Winter Cold Out of Your Home

May 5, 2023
By Brian Alba
6 min read
12 Ways to Keep the Winter Cold Out of Your Home

Winter can be a magical time of year, with snow-covered landscapes and cozy nights spent by the fireplace. However, the winter chill can also be a nuisance, sneaking into your home and causing discomfort.

If you're tired of constantly shivering indoors, it's time to take action and keep the winter chills out of your house.

12 Simple Steps to Achieve a Cozy Home

Beat the chill of winter and keep your home warm without breaking the bank! We have just what you need to ensure a cozy season ahead. Whether it’s an old drafty house or a small apartment, our affordable solutions will provide solace from wintry chills.

1. Keep doors shut.

During winter, it’s natural to want to keep your home warm and cozy. However, if you’re not careful, you could end up wasting energy and money as cold air comes in through open doors.

If your two-story home has you feeling the heat on one level and shivering on another, shutting doors leading upstairs can help regulate temperatures. This will allow warmth downstairs while allowing cooler air up above—no more need for excess heating! In addition, the rising heat from the lower floors will help to keep the upper floors warm and comfortable.

2. Block off the fireplace when not in use.

Having a fireplace in the home can be an excellent cost saver on heating costs. However, to capitalize fully on that benefit without sacrificing warmth, it's important to remember to keep your flue or doors closed when not using the fireplace.

Sealing your fireplace when it's not in use can prevent warm air from escaping through the chimney and being replaced by cold outside air, which can help you save energy and money. It can also reduce the accumulation of ash and stale smoke inside the fireplace over time.

3. Install new windows or seal the gaps in old ones.

If you're trying to keep heating bills low, investing in new and energy-efficient windows is the way to go. Although it's an expense up front, replacing old windows can have long-term savings of thousands over time.

If you're looking for ways to insulate your home against drafts but don't have the budget for new, energy-efficient windows, options are available. One option is to use plastic window insulation kits, which can help to block drafts and improve the energy efficiency of your windows without breaking the bank.

4. Close off any air gaps around doors.

These nifty devices provide an insulated seal around any door, inside or outside, for maximum protection against cold air penetration. Loosely-fitted doors are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to drafts entering homes—keep yours snugged up tight all season long!

By taking a few simple steps, such as sealing off any air gaps around doors, you can ensure that your home stays warm and comfortable during winter while minimizing energy costs associated with heating bills.

It doesn’t take much effort—just some caulk, [draft stopper](https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/when-and-where-to-use-draft-stoppers/#:~:text=A%20draft%20stopper%20(a.k.a.%20a,keeping%20warm%20air%20from%20escaping.), weatherstripping tape, or a door sweep can go a long way toward keeping out those pesky cold drafts! So don’t wait; get started on closing those air gaps today.

5. Hang thermal curtains.

Curtains can serve a functional purpose more than just being a decorative element. Insulating curtains are designed to reduce heat loss through windows and glass doors. To enhance their energy-saving capabilities, consider installing mini blinds or shades under the curtains on windows or sliding glass doors.

Also, blackout curtain designs offer complete privacy by blocking out light from the outside while adding style and sophistication to any room in your house. Investing in good-quality thermal curtains is worth it if you want to ensure that your home stays warm throughout the cold months!

6. Install a thermostat.

Whether you live in an area that experiences cold weather or not, having a thermostat can is beneficial for your home and your wallet. A thermostat allows you to regulate the temperature in your home, ensuring it remains comfortable no matter what time of year it is.

To keep your home warm and energy-efficient during cold weather, it is crucial to pay attention to the thermostat settings. Energy.gov recommends setting the temperature to around 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you are awake and active in the home and lowering it when you are asleep or away.

7. Seal cracks and crevices.

Foundation cracks can lead to more serious issues over time, such as making your home drafty. So be sure to take a few moments before winter sets in and walk around the exterior of your house looking for any signs of these pesky damages! If you spot small ones, don’t worry—caulking should usually do the trick. But if larger cracks are present, consider consulting a professional with extensive experience when dealing with foundation repairs.

8. Make sure no heat vents are obstructed.

Creating consistent heat in your home requires a well-functioning heating system. Inspect each vent throughout your house and remove any items that could impede air flow, like furniture or curtains blocking them off. Taking this simple step can have immediate benefits when it comes to comfort levels around your house and financial reward over time!

9. Seal the gaps under the cabinets.

Winter weather can find its way into your home through the most unexpected places, even underneath cabinets attached to exterior walls. Draft stoppers are excellent for keeping out cold drafts and giving maximum warmth. To plug gaps, you can use draft stoppers, or for a quick fix, use old towels. This is especially important if you live in an older home where these issues may arise more often.

10. Ensure your furnace is maintained yearly.

Scheduling regular maintenance on your furnace is the key to keeping it operating efficiently and avoiding more major problems in the future. Professional HVAC companies can take care of any cleaning, filter replacement, or gas leak inspections required for optimal performance.

In addition, having a specialized technician conduct an energy audit could help you identify and address any issues that can cause your energy bills to be higher than necessary, potentially leading to cost savings.

11. Use ceiling fans.

Make wintertime more bearable with the simple flip of a switch. Setting the fan to rotate clockwise can help circulate hot air and reduce the need for your furnace, keeping you warm for longer. You can switch the direction counter-clockwise to cool your home in the summer. This is an easy way to improve your home's energy efficiency all year round.

12. Utilize boilers.

Boilers are an ideal option for energy-efficient and silent home heating. The high temperature of the heated water creates a system that can maintain warmth even in subfreezing conditions with proper insulation added to pipes. Also, boilers provide comfort to your feet by powering efficient radiant floor heat systems beneath tiles, so they become warm enough to be comfortable when you walk on them.

Make Your Home Cozy With These Simple Tips

Winter doesn't have to be about shivering through cold days and nights! Just follow these simple tips for making your home cozier during these colder months, and you'll be able to enjoy every minute spent inside during this time of year—no matter how chilly it gets outside.

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